국립부경대학교 | College of Natural Sciences
Academic Information
Science Computing

Academic Information

Science Computing

Introduction to major
It is now an integral part of modern science and engineering.
Computer simulations in natural sciences enable the study of impossible or intractable natural phenomena through experimental means.
Computer simulations in engineering allow us to analyze and synthesize systems that are too expensive, dangerous, or complex to build directly.

Physicists who study the interactions of countless particles, chemists who track molecular movements in living things, neuroscientists who study neural networks for human memory, biologists who test hypothetical scenarios of infectious diseases, and others, although they work in very different fields, are actually doing very similar work in the computational problems and tools they face and the techniques they use to solve these problems. 

Students in the Department of Science and Computing learn techniques to understand complex physical, biological, and social systems.
Students will learn theoretical approaches to simulate and analyze models in complex systems, mathematical techniques needed to detect structures in large multidimensional datasets, and high-performance computing techniques to simulate models in hundreds or thousands of parallel computing clusters.